PCI Express模拟量输出系列产品
PCIe-DA16-6 产品技术规格
PC Interface

● PCI Express

Analog Outputs

● Channels: 16, 8

● Resolution: 16 or 12 bits

● Unipolar Ranges:0-2.5, 0-5, 0-10 VDC

● Bipolar Ranges:±2.5, ±5.0, ±10.0 VDC

● Current Range: 4-20 mA (with external excitation voltage of 8-36VDC)

● Output Drive: 5 mA maximum

● Output Resistance: Less than 0.1Ω

● Relative Accuracy: ±1LSb max, ±½LSB typical

● Diff.Linearity: ±½LSB integral non-linearity over rated temperature range

● Monotonicity: 16 bits over operating temp

● Settle time: 5 usec ¼- to ¾-span and ¾- to ¼-span, to ±2LSB

Digital Inputs/Outputs

● Lines: 24; Ports A, B, CHi and CLo

● Type: 8255 compatible

● Pull-up/-down: 10k (pulled-up by default)

● Logic Levels: VCCIO jumper selectable

● VCCIO = 5V:

- Input Low: ≤1.5V @ ≤2µA

- Input High: ≥3.5V @ ≤2µA

- Output Low: ≤0.55V @ 32 mA

- Output High: ≥ 3.8V @ 32mA

● VCCIO = 3.3V

- Input Low: ≤0.8V @ ≤2µA

- Input High: ≥2.0V @ ≤2µA

- Output Low: ≤0.55V @ 24 mA

- Output High: ≥ 2.4V @ 24mA


● Operating Temperature 0° to +70°C

● Storage Temperature -40° to +105°C

● Humidity 5% to 95% RH, without condensation

● Size: 6.6″ (168 mm) long

DC Power Output

● VCCIO VDC at 500 mA is available on the 37-pin connector.

Regulatory Compliance

● This product is designed to be in full compliance with CE requirements.



Copyright © Beijing Vertextron Technology Co., Ltd

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